My Spiritual journey started the moment I was born. We are born with the gift. Unfortunately as we become older if not used it is not as easy to tap in. As we evolve into life on earth and are brainwashed by media, government and the likes. We are conditioned. Born with a spiritual gift I realised that I was different from an early age, if not slightly odd. I never felt that I belonged, a misfit, in a family of dark haired, brown eyed siblings. I was the one with the wild blonde curly hair, green eyes and a challenging nature. I was considered to be the black sheep of the family, it felt that way to me. Albeit a bit of a wild child with a rebellious nature. I was always in trouble, or just took the blame for my siblings as it seemed easier rather than argue.I did not like authority or being told what to do. I questioned everything, I still do. I still do not follow the rules, it goes against my nature, it does not resonate with my soul. I believe rules are made to be broken, if they do not serve us. Born as the third child in a family of five , first of triplets, I always believed in the power of three. I believed in life after death. Fascinated with ghosts and witches and anything mystical from an early age. Death is part of life and is the only thing that is guaranteed for all of us. The departed are only a whisper away, the veil is thin. You only need to open your heart and let them in. Spirit is all around us. Love never dies. I was always intrigued by graves, headstones. I often lived within my own little world. As a child I was the baby that never slept. I was often found at the end of my cot, babbling. I now believe that was I speaking to spirit, even at that early age. I do know as a child I often saw things out the periphery of my eye.I considered this to be normal. I knew no difference of course, this was not the same for my siblings. They used to ridicule me, or say that I was trying to scare them. I only wanted my visions confirmed. It was not to be. I was also very different character to my siblings. A different temperment, I was very kind, empathic I had an inner knowing, even then. I was unique, and I did not wish to be the same as everyone else. Besides I was sick of not having my own identity. Being one of a triplet I was fed up with being compared constantly. We were always being compared to each or being asked what's it like being a triplet. As if we were abnormal or something. Except I was in many ways. I was the quirky weird creative one. A rebellious and highly spirited, Bohemian in many ways, I have now accepted this as just being part of me. I AM unique, I am just me. I don't feel that I should have to explain myself or my beliefs to anyone. Neither should you for that matter. My spiritual path calmed down as I grew, mainly due to not knowing anyone that could assist me on my path. It was frustratingly irritating at times. Often I would know when something was about to happen. Naturally intuitive, it's a gut feeling. I knew when death would come knocking at the door. I did not like it, it made me feel uneasy. I even used to feel that i was responsible just by having a thought. Just like the film Carrie. I felt guilty, I kept quiet. I knew when my father was about to pass, I was entering his birthday into the Diary for the coming year. When it came to August I instantly knew that he wasn't going to be here. It made me feel so sad. Again I didn't tell anyone through fear of being berated. I had visited various Mediums and Psychics throughout my life. In my teens, twenties and before I married. I was always searching for answers. I knew there was a reason for my being here. I still sensed spirit around. I often smelt perfumes, cigars, fish and chips, etc. This was when there was nobody else around of course. I tried to ignore it. Yet it just got stronger, it seriously got on my nerves. It was after my father's death that I started becoming interested in spirit again. I was now married with two children under five and pregnant with my 3rd. I started attending Windsor Spiritual church. Where the minister Kitty was so welcoming. She was such a delight, 90 years old, so sweet, kind and petite. I sought comfort from the church, as I really missed my father. I desperately wanted to receive a message from him. At this time I personally could not receive messages myself. I didn't know how to to be honest. It frustrated me so much. I was still searching for my path in life. I did not feel fulfilled, I felt there was something missing.
Fast forward to 2016, it was not a good year. my marriage was all but dead, and I was going through a full spiritual awakening. The dark shadow of the night. I became insular, I did not want interaction from people. There energies were too much, draining almost. I shut myself away. I feared I was having a breakdown. It was ugly but it made me face my fears. My life needed to change. I had a cancer scare. Luckily it turned out to be something of nothing thankfully.
In December, 2016 my triplet brother David died. My only brother. Although as expected as such, it hit me very hard . I had a premonition, and for two days on the trot I had seen a black crow come to my bedroom window .It was a sign, I knew his death was imminent. I could not tell anyone. They had been hoping for a miracle. I just knew. It was after his death that my gifts expanded.David started playing tricks on me, to get my attention. Turning on lights and changing tv channels. I felt his presence. I could feel him touch my face, like walking through cobwebs. I was in denial. One night he threw open my bedroom door. I had to take notice. He was not going to stop. I had to acknowledge him. I believe David was trying to guide me. Wanting me to move on in my life. Not just to push me forward with my Spiritual work. But also to end my marriage. I was dreadfully unhappy. I felt stifled, contained. I was not allowed to be me. My spirit had been knocked out of me. I no longer recognised myself. I had lost myself. I despised myself at what I had become. When I looked in the mirror. I did not recognise this person, where had the fun loving, happy soul gone? I had become a former shadow of myself. It was heartbreaking, the reflection in the mirror was not me. A sad, self loathing pitiful sight. I knew things had to change. My brother had been only 56. He was gone too early. I realised that only I could change my life. Soon after his death, I stumbled upon my people. I found my soul group . A crowd of like minded souls, who I can say with hand on my heart, saved my life. (You know who you all are). You nurtured me, supported me, helped me on my spiritual journey. Gave me back my confidence, and made me the Goddess that I am today. I have learnt a lot. I am thirsty for knowledge and my skills developed. I now know my strengths and have the answers to my questions, why am I here. I am here to help people. I am a Medium, Psychic and empath. A healer in Reiki and Seichem. Reiki Master in Usui and seichem. I have found what was missing in my life. This spiritual journey has lead me to fulfillment, inner peace. A sense of belonging.
I have sat in development circles, worked in Churches on the rostrum. Giving out messages to the congregation for loved ones, hoping for a message from a dearly departed. I have delivered thankfully through the help of my spirit guides. Without them this was not be at all possible. I have met many amazing gifted people whom have shared their knowledge, in return sharing mine. Knowledge is powerful, wisdom makes us wise. This takes me to where I am today. Here writing about my journey. It has not been easy. It's been a white knuckle ride, a roller coaster of a journey the ride continues. I hope to meet you on my travel to assist you to reach your loved ones, to receive guidance. I am emphatic, loving and kind. Considerate to your emotions. Text me on 07450000445 or email on katiejayne54@gmail.com
Find me on facebook as Gypsy Soulgypsy
Instagram katiejayne_soulgypsy
I trust in the universe. I have faith. I have met some amazing people. Whom have taught me so much. I continue to develop, and I wish to share my skills and experiences with others. Give them guidance. To teach them skills. So I shall continue on my path. See where it will take me. I shall continue to grow, I feel that I have only scratched the surface. For now I shall walk my path as an earth angel, until i grow my wings. We all have our lives mapped out for us before we come here. Have lessons to learn on our path. There is only one love and that is Universal Love. Be kind to others as you reap what you sow.
Please read the My Journey page. Love, light and healing to you all. KATIE/SOUL GYPSY

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