Soul Gypsy @Whispering Hearts

My name is Katie aka Soul Gypsy. I'm an intuitive Medium, Psychic, Reiki healer, Reiki Master. I enjoying using my gifts to help heal and support others. I use various ways of connecting to spirit using Tarot, Mediumship, a Psychic intuitive. I use various card decks, including Tarot and Oracle cards. I often get songs and idioms in my readings. I use Pendulum definition for yes and no answers. I am able to use psychometry alongside my other gifts. It takes 1 hour for more in depth reading, as I like to give a good service. I can do a three card pull for half the price, half an hour. One to one readings are a preference due to confidentiality unless a it's another close family member. As I pick up on energies and Channel spirit . I need to focus on the person being read. During your reading I will contact spirit, read your Aura, see what is happening in your life. I am a lightworker, Spirit will only give me what you need not what you want. I may not be able to give you all the answers but you an insight as to what is going on in your life. See me as an Internet connection between you and your loved one. I am clairvoyant/clear seeing , claircognizant/ inner knowing , clairaudient/clear hearing, Clairempathy/sensing emotion, Clairsentient/ sensing feeling, Clairalient/sense of smell, Clairgustance/ sense of taste, Clairtangency/ touch or feeling. I am currently gaining experience in Trance Mediumship, I have not expanded on all of my gifts, it is an ongoing experience of self learning and expansion. If you feel drawn to me, give me a message, and I will make an appointment and discuss a way forward for you. I am emphatic and understanding. Everything is in strict confidence. Readings are presently held over Zoom or Messenger, unless discussed otherwise. I also do Reiki healing, local areas in surrey
Please read the My other pages. Love, light and healing to you all. KATIE/SOUL GYPSY

Eyes are the
windows to
the soul